The Issue With Trusting Web Hosting Reviews

If you are in the market for hosting you might be looking for hosting reviews. I bet you were disappointed quite a bit because it is almost impossible to find decent website hosting reviews that do not look fake. Let's face it, website hosting is a huge market to be in and there is a lot of money to be made. Accordingly web hosting companies are spending a ton of money on advertising and these efforts certainly influence independent Internet fake hosting reviews.

The customer pays the bill in one way or the other. Either the consumer follows a web host review that turns out to be completely wrong or the consumer just gets scared and does not do anything. In both cases the marketing efforts are wasted and another consumer becomes upset about the marketing tactics in this industry. I do not think that is what hosting companies had in mind when they created their web hosting affiliate programs.

Website hosting is a fairly easy product to create and to maintain. The hosting industry follows certain data patterns and this data shows that once a website hosting customer has settled into an account at a web host they never leave. Once the website is up and running and the web host keeps the server online the customer has no reason to doubt his decision to go with a Internet hosting provider. Accordingly web hosts calculate out the cost of acquisition and once they are able to match that to a dollar amount, they make the appropriate marketing efforts.

Internet hosts create loyalty programs or promote so-called friend referrals and offer free hosting to customers if they refer another customer. But they also set up an affiliate program where the marketing is done by a 3rd party provider. The web host does not have to spend the same time and effort to market his products to customers. The so-called affiliate will do the marketing and for any customer sign-up the affiliate receives a commission.


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